December 2022 | Thank

The Global Wellness Institute The Wellness Moonshot: A World Free of Preventable Disease The Wellness Moonshot Calendar’s monthly theme for DECEMBER 2022 is THANK. Authored by Renee Moorefield, CEO of Wisdom Works Group, and member of the GWI Advisory Board AS WELLNESS LEADERS AROUND THE WORLD, WE THANK YOU! All of us at the Global Wellness Institute feel a wholehearted thanks for everyone who is advancing…


Healthy aging for a healthy economy– CEPR, November 16, 2022 Having just crossed the eight billion population threshold, we mustn’t forget that global aging is the primary challenge we collectively face. As healthy aging promotes healthy economies, policy preparedness must focus on: (1) initiatives that facilitate disease prevention and early detection, (2) wider reliance on innovative healthcare technologies, (3) retirement and pension flexibility, (4) development…

Meditation Is as Effective as Common Medication for Anxiety Disorder

A first-ever study (just published in JAMA Psychiatry) compared medication to meditation for generalized anxiety disorder, finding the two methods work equally well at reducing symptoms. Half of the study participants were given an antidepressant commonly prescribed for anxiety (Lexapro), while the other half participated in a mindfulness-based stress reduction program. Both groups reported a 20% reduction in symptoms. Side effects were far more common…

The Complex Relationship between Money & Happiness: How Much Is Too Little, Too Much?

The Complex Relationship between Money & Happiness: How Much Is Too Little, Too Much?   By Thierry Malleret, economist MONEY, FINANCIAL WELLNESS AND HAPPINESS: An obvious link exists between money and subjective wellbeing (happiness), but only up to a certain threshold which economists and psychologists have a hard time precisely identifying. Anyone without money will corroborate that financial wellness is the conduit to other forms of…

GWI’s New Research: The First to Make the Case for Why We Desperately Need Wellness Policy

GWI’s New Research: The First to Make the Case for Why We Desperately Need Wellness Policy   GWI recently released its new report “Defining Wellness Policy,” the first research to make a compelling, evidence-backed argument as to why wellness policy is so direly needed now. It explains how a new focus on wellness policy could complement–but also fill the glaring gaps left by–both current public…

Inspirational & Innovative Wellness Real Estate Project Profiles

Inspirational & Innovative Wellness Real Estate Project Profiles The Wellness Communities & Real Estate Initiative’s goals are to guide, communicate and inspire wellness in the built environment—in new developments, in re-thinking existing developments, and by assisting smaller global wellness innovators—to create wellness real estate that is transformative. In our Inspirational & Innovative Wellness Real Estate Project Profiles, we want to share, illustrate, and give a shoutout…