Magatte Wade appointed to GWS board of directors

Prominent African entrepreneur Magatte Wade, recognized by both Forbes and the World Economic Forum for her leadership and entrepreneurialism, joins the Global Wellness Summit’s international board of directors—and will head up the organization’s important new African Initiative.


New book, new trend: “Mindful Work”

This is an excerpt from a book to be published later this month: “Mindful Work: How Meditation Is Changing Business From the Inside Out”. The title says it all!

Check out how the trend of meditation and yoga hitting “the job” is fast unfolding – and how it’s impacting Aetna’s employees and bottom line…

What’s On My Mind? A fascinating living-lab wellness community

“Give your heart a reason to keep beating.”That quote might have been my favorite from the Lake Nona Impact Forum, which took place within an astonishing community: Lake Nona in Orlando, Florida.  Described as a “living-lab,” it is one of the fastest-growing innovation clusters in the world. Its stated goal is “to advance quality of life by exploring the intersections of wellness, conservation and education.” No wonder I found it fascinating and compelling!

Wellness news from China

“Status” and “luxury” remain key attributes driving the adoption of spa and wellness brands across China—for both men and women; however, it’s important that products and treatments also really work, as a recent study showed that 73 percent of men in China’s biggest cities think that looking good is an essential part of being successful at work. This study by Kantar World goes on to identify that Chinese men use an average of 2.5 facial products daily.

Finnish Study Indicates Frequent Sauna Usage May Boost Longevity …Heart-warming new data on the relationship between saunas and heart health

A large, long-term University of Eastern Finland study revealed that frequent time spent in saunas was associated with a longer life and less cardiac-related deaths. Analyzing 2,300 middle-aged men over two decades, the researchers found that men who visited a sauna 2-3 times a week had a 24 percent lower risk of death, while those who sweated it out 4-7 times weekly had a 40 percent mortality reduction, compared with only one sauna session a week.

Thierry Mallaret’s Barometer: Wellness Edition

There is no better gauge of global sentiments than the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos Annual Meeting that took place in late January. What is the conventional wisdom now among global decision-makers and investors?

Their two biggest concerns – leaving the economy and financial instability aside: rising income inequalities and climate change. And note:  An interesting feature of this year’s Davos was the realization that wellness disciplines such as yoga, meditation and mindfulness have passed an inflection point and are now becoming part of the mainstream.