Ministry of Wellness Initiative Taking Shape

The GWI’s new “Ministry of Wellness” initiative, whose goal is to foster a global conversation about this new—and necessary—innovation in wellbeing leadership at the governmental level, is making forward progress. Read co-chair Renee Moorefield’s (PhD, CEO, Wisdom Works) impassioned article on why the time is now for wellness leaders at the national level, the new team members working on the initiative and how they’re crafting a framework outlining the functions and opportunities that could lie in a Ministry of Wellness role.

White Paper: Mindful Millennials and Wellness

Get a primer on today’s ‘Mindful Millennial’. With a purchasing power valued at approximately $1.68 trillion, Millennials (those born from 1981-1997) come across an average of 3,000+ brand images a day. But the way they make decisions is based far more on their social network than on traditional branding activities – and they are seeking unique, authentic experiences that can make a difference both in their own lives and that of the greater social good.

Survey reveals Fast Food Still Sold in Hospitals

While disappointing although perhaps not surprising to see patients chowing down on fast food pre- or post-op, it is disconcerting to learn that dozens of well-established hospitals continue to hold contracts with fast food retailers such as McDonalds, Wendy’s, Chik-fil-A and more.  A survey of 200 US hospitals and a recent article in the British Journal of Medicine reveals a disturbing accessory to our global health population management challenges.

Zeel, Soothe, Unwind Me:  Disrupters for Spas? GWI Barometer (April 15, 2015)

Zeel, Soothe, Unwind: Digital Disrupters for Spas?

Economist Thierry Malleret takes a quick look at how technology is turning the entire business world “upside down.” One profound new example: Apple and Google are jumping into the car market. And new digital platforms are poised to radically disrupt the spa, wellness and healthcare industries. How about the successful new wave of apps that allow people to order mobile massage services/therapists anywhere? What does that mean for, say, hotel spas? How about new health tracker apps that can monitor blood sugar for diabetes patients 24/7? In general, if these transparent trackers can prove you’re following doctors’ orders/living healthy—should you get a rebate on your health insurance?

International Wellness Travelers Spend 59 Percent More—and Domestic Wellness Tourists Spend 159 Percent More—than the Average Tourist

Every tourism board and hospitality property on earth wants to attract visitors who spend big. Well, recent Global Wellness Institute (GWI) research reveals if you want tourists who are exceptionally healthy for your bottom line, pay close attention to the healthy-minded traveler. Wellness tourists tend to be wealthier, better educated and take longer trips—and both the international and domestic varieties spend SIGNIFICANTLY more than your average tourist. How much more?

“Employer incentives for U.S. worker wellness programs set record”

A survey just revealed employers have ratcheted up the financial incentives they offer workers to participate in wellness programs to an average of $693 per employee (in 2015), up from $594 last year and $430 five years ago. However, fewer employers are imposing penalties, like charging more for insurance if workers do not participate or achieve goals such as losing weight. This may be due to the fact that workplace wellness programs are increasingly coming under legal scrutiny.