Study: Ordering/Choosing Food Before Eating Means Lower-Calorie Diet

New Carnegie Mellon University experiments revealed that, when a solid gap existed between when people ordered their food and when they planned to eat it, they opted for significantly lower calorie meals. Interestingly, it wasn’t being hungry in the moment that made the “no willpower” difference, but seemed to be that when one orders meals/food in advance that one can better weigh the longer term costs/benefits.

Companies Getting Aggressive with “Unplugging” Employees

With mounting research that the new always-on work culture is killing productivity, more companies worldwide are taking action to unplug workers. This can range from creating firm policies on work hours (and encouraging people to totally unplug outside of them) to automatically deleting emails for employees on vacation – even banning all internal work emails in favor of calls and face-to-face communication.

August Wellness Trends: Social Spaces in Hotels and Gyms, More Sugar Taxes

Malleret examines a couple of rising trends in the wellness space this month: 1) How both hotels and gyms are creating new “social spaces” where the separation between work, play and rest is getting blurred, and whether this trend threatens the very concept of the “stand-alone” gym. 2) Whether the uniquely structured new tax just passed in Philadelphia on sugary drinks means more such measures are coming in the U.S. and elsewhere.