Learn Something, Wait a Few Hours, then Exercise to Build Memory

A new study from Radboud University-Netherlands and the University of Edinburgh explores how exercise can boost brain function. Participants first observed pictures, to try to remember their place on a screen, and then two-thirds did follow-up exercise: half of the group did interval training 35 minutes after the spatial/visual test and half did it four hours later. The interesting finding was that those who exercised four hours after the test recreated the picture locations most accurately, and MRIs showed their brain activity had a more consistent pattern of neural activity.

Does the World Need to Unplug from Bad News for Mental Health?

The wave of bad news from across the world (terrorism, violence, etc.) seems relentless. In our digital/social media age, every new atrocity is amplified and analyzed ad nauseam 24/7. Malleret argues that this can lead to a collective “catastrophizing” or a cognitive distortion that consists in predicting worst-case scenarios and has a very negative impact on people prone to anxiety and depression. What should we do? Is it time to consciously unplug and consume less news? Is a high volume of news consumption and “wellness” inversely related?

Spotlight on GWI Initiatives that Impact the Spa Industry

The annual Spa Business Handbook was just released and it’s an amazing resource for the spa industry, from its trends forecasts to its analysis of what’s being built in the spa/wellness property pipeline worldwide. The new issue features Susie Ellis, GWI chairman and CEO, highlighting what’s been recently accomplished (and what’s on deck) for six GWI Initiatives that directly impact the spa industry.