Global Wellness Institute Initiative on Sustainability Launched

With the sustainability conversation having moved from an “if” to “how and when,” the GWI has launched a new Sustainability Initiative, chaired by Bonnie Baker, managing partner and co-founder, Satteva Spa and Wellness Concepts and board member of the Green Spa Network. The Initiative’s mission: spur a provocative, global discussion about how wellness intersects on a personal level and on a wider social, economic and environmental scale.

Read about this important project and its expert members.

Positive Genetic Impact of Both a Resort Vacation and a Meditation Retreat

An interesting new study from Mount Sinai, the University of California, San Francisco and Harvard Medical School researchers measured the “resort vacation effect” compared with the “meditation effect.” Studying participants over a six-day stay at the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, half experienced a regular resort vacation there, while half also did a meditation program (designed by Deepak Chopra, MD). The findings: both groups showed large, immediate changes in genetic expression associated with stress and immune pathways; however, the meditation retreat, for those who already meditated regularly, was also associated with antiviral activity.

Tourism Winners and Losers and the Obsession with Safety

There is now tangible evidence that the impact of terrorism on tourism is not as transient and limited as it used to be. Countries and destinations perceived as “safe” are benefitting significantly as a result. To give an example, the June occupancy rate in Paris hotels fell by 14 percent on a yearly basis, while the number of foreign visitors to Spain has risen by 12 percent in the first quarter of this year.