Trend Watch: Wearable Fitness Tech Struggling

There is one particular wellness market that is now in trouble: the wearable technology industry, currently dominated by mindfulness apps and fitness trackers. It’s losing its shine and seems to be fighting to live up to the hype. Just a few years ago, it was still dubbed the “next big tech market” (after smartphones), but pioneers and market leaders such as Fitbit and Jawbone are struggling, while larger, more established tech players such as Motorola have abandoned the market altogether.

New Study: Chronic Stress Associated with Higher Levels of Obesity

A new study from University College London compared stress levels and body weight (for over 2,500 men and women), and found that higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol were associated with significantly higher levels of obesity/being overweight. The study was notable for testing cortisol levels in the hair (not in the blood or saliva, which vary during times of day), so it better captured the impact of long-term stress levels on weight.

GWI’s Career Development Initiative Launches Online Mentorship Program

The wellness, spa and hospitality industry has a serious staffing crisis. So, since 2014, the GWI’s Career Development Initiative has run a Global Mentorship Program, which matches wellness executives with up-and-coming professionals to share expertise and needed skills. Now, they’ve launched a new online program that helps mentors and mentees connect within 10 minutes.