Trend: How Climate Change is Impacting Hospitality/Real Estate Destinations

In general, populist politicians tend to disregard the relevance of climate change/global warming, but the wellness industry will ignore this to its peril. Two examples show that change is coming much faster than many realize. For one, after a series of rather dismal snow seasons in the Alps, hospitality and real estate businesses are beginning to understand that it pays to be higher up where the snow is guaranteed. The French resort of Val Thorens (the highest in the Alps) is proof of that. It has moved from underdog status – an ugly, purpose-built concrete town for cheap student ski breaks – to a high-end wellness resort, with a flurry of openings promoting the idea that “wellness and adventure go hand-in-hand.”

Wellness Evidence​​​​​​​: New Study: Cost of Sedentary Children is Staggering

A new, first-ever study from Johns Hopkins University revealed the incredible healthcare costs that societies would save if all the children who are currently inactive (a skyrocketing number) exercised just an hour a day. Using complex computer simulations, the researchers found that the U.S. alone would save $120 billion annually. This is a mounting global problem, as research shows that in Europe and the U.S., physical activity tends to peak at age seven and plummets throughout adolescence.

Global Wellness Day Just One Month Away

Global Wellness Day, with its motto of “one day can change your whole life,” was created to make the importance of wellness tangible to the world. And on June 10, free wellness activities and classes – whether yoga, fitness, ballet or hiking – will take place all across the world.

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of May 9, 2017)

“Prioritizing These Three Things Will Improve Your Life — And Maybe Even Save It” – The Washington Post, April 28, 2017

Three simple ideas could go a long way in helping us live better lives: (1) Face-to-face social interaction (not texting or emails) leads to a longer life; (2) Knowing when to turn off your smartphone enriches your life (they’ve taken away our “stopping cues” – contrary to a book or a movie, scrolling on the phone is endless and we don’t know when to break away); (3) Chasing meaning, not happiness, is what really matters (meaning can be derived from belonging, purpose, transcendence and storytelling).