Children that Spend Too Much Time on Social Media Experience Higher Mental Illness Symptoms

A new report from a UK think-tank concludes that there’s a strong correlation between too much social media time and mental illness. For instance, 12 percent of children who don’t spend time on social media sites on a school day have symptoms of mental illness—but that figure more than doubles to 27 percent for kids who spend more than three hours/day on social media. Read more about how gaming sites are starting to take action to limit kids’ online playing time.

Study: Long Workdays Are Bad for the Heart

A new, large European study indicated that people that put in long work hours increase their risk for atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeats) that can lead to serious cardiovascular problems. Compared with people who worked 35-40 hours a week, those working more than 55 hours had a 40 percent increased risk of atrial fibrillation.

Singapore’s New Airport Terminal Brings Trees & Greenery Inside

Singapore’s Changi airport has been rated #1 worldwide for five years running, in part because they’ve offered stressed travelers so much wellness – from spas to a rooftop swimming pool. And its new terminal (opening soon) focuses heavily on biophilic design with dozens and dozens of indoor trees and green walls.