Screen-Addicted Teens on Brink of Huge Mental Health Crisis

Researchers argue that today’s teens are so powerfully shaped by smartphones and social media that they should properly be called the “iGen.” A growing mountain of data reveals that the iGen is on the brink of the worst mental-health crisis in decades – much of it the fault of their smartphones. Read more about why teens must put down the screens – and why digital detox has such a bright future in the wellness industry…

Study: Practicing Tai Chi Reduced Falls in Elderly People

A new meta-review of 10 studies (University of Jaén, Spain) found that tai chi – the Chinese martial art involving graceful movements, deep breathing and focusing on one’s center of balance – had a significant impact on preventing falls in older people. In fact, practicing tai chi reduced falls by 43 percent. 

Global Wellness Summit Unveils Agenda This Week

The 11th annual Global Wellness Summit opens at The Breakers Palm Beach in less than two months. In preparation, the conference just unveiled its robust schedule of three days of high-profile keynotes, panels, and roundtables all focused on the business of wellness and what’s around the bend in integrative medicine, fitness, food, wellness technology, travel, workplace wellness, mental wellness, spa, beauty, etc. It’s a historic lineup of experts and topics: from a powerhouse panel on what investors in wellness are looking for to how millennials will completely transform the wellness market.