Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of August 27, 2019)

This is the beginning of the end of the beef industry – Outside Online, July 31, 2019 This article makes the case that “alt meat” isn’t going to stay alt for long, and that cattle are looking more and more like stranded assets. Its argument: “Beef is the most wasteful food on the planet,” and part of the appeal of the new burgers is their…

September | Sleep

“Since we spend approximately one-third of our lives sleeping, we need to provide people with passive interventions that help improve quality sleep, along with health, happiness, productivity and overall wellbeing.” – Paul Scialla, CEO and founder, Delos Sleep is a biological necessity, part of the regenerative life support system that enables us to function, grow and thrive. Yet, across the planet, we are increasingly sleep-deprived,…

Wellness Invades the Car: From Aromatherapy to Spa-Like Warning Chimes

A new article at Quartz looks at how a growing number of carmakers are rushing to put health and wellness-enhancing features into their vehicles, transforming them into Zen-like cocoons. Think sensors that monitor and react to a driver’s physical health and emotional state, triggering bursts of aromatherapy, mood lighting and music; radically noise-canceling cabins; seats that track your heart rate to improve your blood circulation;…

New UN Report: Agriculture & Deforestation Is Dramatically Worsening Climate Change

A new UN report (from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has some scary findings. It focuses exclusively on the world’s land use and how modern agriculture and deforestation is radically boosting climate change. One finding: Human land use is responsible for 23 percent of all global greenhouse gas emissions—half from carbon dioxide emitted through deforestation and half from agriculture. Their warning: We simply can’t…

Japan Can Be Wellness Market Leader in These 5 Areas

In anticipation of the Global Wellness Summit heading to Asia this October 15–17, its researchers have just released a report on five wellness markets where Japan could be the future leader. They include Japan’s powerful assets to drive an inbound wellness tourism boom to J-Beauty being back in the limelight to the country being in a pole position to help innovate the smart, healthy cities…