8 Wellbeing Leadership Strategies for Responding to COVID-19

Out of the 7.8 billion people living on our planet, at least 3.5 billion are employed. In the coronavirus crisis, employers have an extraordinary impact not only on the people that work for them but their families and friends. Because employers’ responses to COVID-19, large and small, have such a ripple effect, Renee Moorefield, chair of the GWI’s Wellness at Work Initiative and CEO, Wisdom Works Group, has…

Online Wellness Surges – We’re Working Out, Meditating & Studying Happiness Online

As the world goes into home lockdown, and as coronavirus closes gyms and fitness, meditation and yoga studios, the wellness world has responded fast, with a proliferating array of new (and often free) virtual classes. The examples are countless, and new announcements are made daily. For instance, At Home with Six Senses just launched, helping people that can’t hit a wellness resort to stay well—with…

New World Happiness Report: Finland Remains #1; Superpowers Not So Happy

The 2020 World Happiness Report was just released, ranking the happiness levels of 153 countries. It may not seem like a banner moment to release the report, given the mass global misery from coronavirus, but it’s actually an especially important moment to analyze why the happiest nations are happy (and the Nordic nations, as usual, grabbed 4 out of 5 of the top spots) and…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of March 24, 2020)

Coronavirus: Nine Reasons To Be Reassured – Guardian, March 7, 2020 At a time when it feels as if the sky is falling in on us, it is important to put things into perspective: Context is key, and today’s world is better placed to deal with the pandemic than we might think. Read on to get a good sense of what the nine reasons are.…

Cultivate Wellness At Work and Home

“What we do every day matters more than what we do once in a while.”—Gretchen Rubin In June, we experience wildly different weather around the globe—the rainy season in India; summer in Europe, China, North America and the Middle East; and winter in the southern regions from Africa to South America to Australia. Yet, with these different weather patterns around the world, we all often…