Wellness Evidence Study: 4-Second Bursts of Exercise Throughout Day Undo Metabolic Effects of Being Sedentary

A small, but interesting, new study from the University of Texas found that just 4 seconds of intense exercise (in this case, sprinting on a stationary bike) throughout the day (for a total of 2 minutes and 40 seconds across 8 hours) has an eye-opening impact on metabolic health: lowering triglycerides 30 percent and burning significant fat. The researchers noted that frequent, extremely tiny bursts…

What’s the Future of Faith & Spirituality Post-Pandemic? – Q&A with Martin Palmer

GWI’s PositivelyWell campaign interviews leaders on “Wellness in the Age of COVID-19.” The latest Q&A is with Martin Palmer, a brilliant thinker on the role of faith in human culture and co-founder with Prince Philip of Faithinvest, an organization that helps faiths worldwide develop environmental project investments. Most of the ink spilled on “wellness in the Coronavirus era” has been on fitness and wellness classes…

Welltech1 Offers $200,000 Investment for Wellness Start-ups during COVID Crisis

Welltech1, an Israeli wellness technology fund, just called on start-ups across the wellness technology space to apply for up to $200,000 in investment. The fund seeks seed-stage companies innovative ideas in wellness, healthy living and disease prevention that our pandemic and post-pandemic world will need most. The funding was launched in partnership with the GWI’s The Wellness Moonshot: A World Free of Preventable Disease. Applications are…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of May 5, 2020)

(Really understanding) The first modern pandemic – The Blog of Bill Gates, April 23, 2020 This is a great read by Bill Gates to make sense of the overabundant information about COVID-19. The epidemiological situation changes every day and makes it incredibly hard to grasp all the ideas and policy proposals we read and hear about. Some parts of the article are fairly technical, but…

Martin Palmer on the role of faith in the COVID-19 crisis

Beth McGroarty, VP, Research & Forecasting, Global Wellness Institute asks: What is the state and role of faith in the Coronavirus crisis? How might concepts of faith and spirituality evolve in the future? What’s wrong with the current “science” versus “religion” war? Q&A with Martin Palmer, president of FaithInvest, an organization that helps the world’s religions move their investments into sustainable development. Martin Palmer is…

Tune In Today: First Digital Earth Day with Performances & Teach-Ins

Today marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and with the coronavirus epidemic it’s an event unlike any other before: all digital. Throughout today, Earth Day Network will flood the Internet with global conversations, performances and video teach-ins from inspiring musicians, artists, scientists and thinkers – with a new call to action every hour. Today we face two crises: the COVID-19 pandemic and climate disaster.…