Consulting Best Practices Initiative Collaboration Call

Consulting Best Practices Initiative Collaboration Spa & Wellness Concepts in a Post-COVID World Spa and wellness facility design was already evolving pre-COVID. In this collaboration, the Global Wellness Institute Consulting Best Practices Initiative presented experts in the field to discuss what architecture and design concepts we may expect to see in the near future. The Collaboration was moderated by Initiative Chair and Consultant for Wynne…

June’s Wellness Moonshot: CULTIVATE

It’s easy to get off course and into unhealthy behaviors during a pandemic. To make changes in life, we need to disrupt automatic routines, as research says approximately 45 percent of our everyday behaviors are done without much intention or conscious control. For June, The Wellness Moonshot offers seven practices to cultivate the best conditions to achieve new wellness goals.  

Wellness Evidence Study: People Exercising during Pandemic Are Less Depressed & More Mentally Resilient

A new study published at Cambridge Open Engage (allowing research to be disseminated before it’s peer-reviewed and officially published) studied people who were meeting, or not, the recommended 150 minutes/week of moderate exercise during the pandemic and their reported emotional state. Those physically active during lockdown were significantly less depressed and more mentally resilient than those whose activity levels had declined­—with the most striking effects…

The Role of Wellness, Immunity & Inflammation in Fighting COVID-19

An important new article in the New York Times argues that we aren’t paying serious enough attention to two factors critically important to the risk of developing a COVID-19 infection and its potential severity: immunity and inflammation. Just because older people are especially vulnerable doesn’t mean nothing can be done to slow or sometimes even reverse immunological decline to enhance resistance to this deadly disease.…

Post-Pandemic Paradox: Wellness Becomes More Important, but in Less Marketable Ways?

MONTHLY BAROMETER The slow and grinding economic recovery will be characterized by three prominent features. (1) Much more debt, which will trigger redistribution reforms (mainly through higher taxation) similar to those put into place during the Great Depression and WWII when the top marginal tax rate went above 80 percent in several countries like the US. It will also lead to financial repression. (2) Less…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of June 2, 2020)

Making the Best of a Post-Pandemic World – Project Syndicate, May 12, 2020 In the coming post-Coronavirus years, the global economy will be shaped by three trends: (1) The relationship between markets and the state will be rebalanced in favor of the latter; (2) this will be accompanied by a rebalancing between hyper-globalization and national autonomy, also in favor of the latter; and (3) our…