August’s Wellness Moonshot: FILTER

COVID-19 has intensified our desire to live healthily, but there is too much advice coming from all directions, whether from lifestyle gurus or wellness companies. Everyone has jumped on the wellness bandwagon, flooding people with conflicting information. This month’s Wellness Moonshot is about strategies to help you filter the wheat from the chaff, and at the heart of this ability is your power to choose.…

What Is the Future of Cities?

COVID-19 has inexorably changed the way we view density and urbanization. CatchOn, a Finn Partners company and a leading communications and market research practice, asked 20 architects, designers, urban planners and environmentalists what we now need to focus on if we want to build more viable and healthy cities, neighborhoods and communities in the future. Their 20 reflections present dozens of ideas on the post-pandemic…

Expert Q&A: What’s Broken in Our Culture Around Grieving & Death?

The GWI’s latest “Wellness in the Age of COVID-19” Q&A is with death experts and “dying well” activists Dr. Candi Cann, associate professor of religion, Baylor University, and Liz Eddy, CEO of Lantern, a public benefit corporation that provides a single source of guidance for navigating a death. They discuss: How COVID-19 has exposed what is broken in our culture around grief and dying: from…

Shorter Work Week Concept Gains Steam with COVID-19

Employment is one of the most important determinants of wellbeing, and conversely, unemployment has a strong deleterious effect on our wellbeing (studies examining mental health during lockdown conclude that those forced to leave paid work suffered much more than those who remained fully or partially employed or were furloughed). The repercussions of unemployment go well beyond the loss of income. It affects not only the…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of July 28, 2020)

COVID-19’s Legacy: This Is How to Get the ‘Great Reset’ Right – World Economic Forum, July 14, 2020 GWI partner economist Thierry Malleret and Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, have written a new book, COVID-19: The Great Reset, a guide for anyone who wants to understand how the virus has disrupted our social and economic systems and what changes will…