The Pandemic Is Changing Young Generations’ Wellness Behaviors

A new survey from VICE Media (people aged 16–39 from 30 countries) sheds interesting light on how COVID-19 is driving new attitudes—and more investment in—health and wellness among millennials and Gen Z. Young people report that they’re much more dedicated to their wellness since COVID-19 and that it’s their mental wellbeing (even more than their medical wellbeing) that they consider the most important element of…

A Mental Health Crisis Is Surging

The nagging anxieties and uncertainty caused by fear of the pandemic and its second-round effects (on employment, incomes, social and political stability) are not going away. The psychological impact of the pandemic is becoming ever more apparent. According to a recent poll, more than 50% of American adults (more than 1 in 2!) assert that COVID-19 is taking a toll on their psychological wellbeing and…

Expert Q&A: Nicola Finley, MD–The Wellness Disconnect for Black Communities

Expert Q&A: Nicola Finley, MD–The Wellness Disconnect for Black Communities The GWI recently released a “Wellness in the Age of COVID-19” Q&A with Dr. Nicola Finley, who practices integrative medicine at Canyon Ranch in Tucson, Arizona, and who worked for a decade with economically disadvantaged Black and brown communities there. Dr. Finley discusses… How people of color have not felt sufficiently seen, heard or valued by the wellness industry—and how COVID-19…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of August 25, 2020)

Air pollution is much worse than we thought–VOX, August 12, 2020 The pandemic has reignited public interest in this issue: Not only does air pollution kill many people around the world, but it also exposes them to a greater risk of catching COVID-19 and dying from it. New research reveals that the effects of air pollution are roughly twice as bad as previously estimated. “It would,…

Webinar: What Will Workplace Wellness Look Like in the Future?

Part III of the GWI Wellness at Work Initiative’s Zoom series “Leading in the Next Normal” is next Thursday. Experts will discuss how, in the wake of COVID-19, workplace wellness strategies will change—and how the successful companies of the future will think far beyond the “program.” The discussion will be led by Tammy Gutierrez, MD, board-certified family medicine doctor and functional medicine practitioner; Grant Gamble,…

Wellness Evidence Study: Intermittent Fasting Cuts 550 Calories a Day

A new study randomized obese men and women into three groups: those who ate an unrestricted amount of calories from 1–7 PM, those who ate unrestricted calories from 3–7 PM, and a control group that ate anything at any time of day. Both groups that practiced time-restricted fasting consumed, on average, 550 fewer calories each day and lost 3% of their body weight while seeing…