It’s Time to Pay More Attention to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC)

It is surprising that the wellness industry hasn’t paid more attention to endocrine disruptors—a “silent killer” of wellbeing for humans and the planet. Endocrine disruptors (and more specifically EDCs—Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals) are linked to numerous adverse health outcomes such as alterations in sperm quality and fertility, abnormalities in sex organs, early puberty, altered nervous system function and immune function, certain cancers, and respiratory problems—both in humans…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of April 21, 2021)

Making wellbeing a policy priority: lessons from the 2021 World Happiness Report–The Brookings Institution, April 6, 2021 Every year, the World Happiness Report tracks individual life satisfaction and the emotional “temperature” of societies around the world. In the new report, three lessons stand out for improving societal wellbeing and sustainable economies (the two go hand-in-hand): (1) Mental health has declined—especially among the most vulnerable; (2)…

Q&A with Dr. Shoshana Ungerleider: What Has the Pandemic Taught Us About Wellness, Death and Dying

  Shoshana Ungerleider, MD, founder of the End Well project Dr. Shoshana Ungerleider is an award-winning physician, writer and producer—and founder of End Well, a series of events and a media platform focused on transforming the end of life into a human-centered experience. She is a leading voice in healthcare who regularly appears on CNN, MSNBC and CBS News and is the executive producer of…

Wellness Evidence Study: Walk Fast! Two New Studies Reveal Its Power

Two recent studies show the impact that walking speed can have on people’s health. A French study in the British Medical Journal (tracking 3,000+ older people for five years) found that people with the slowest walking speed had a significantly increased risk of death compared to those who walked the fastest—including a threefold increased rate of cardiovascular death. A new clinical trial from the University…

The Global Baby-Bust Means Aging Populations Will Skyrocket

  The sharp global deceleration of population growth is an under-appreciated yet critical phenomenon for long-term investors and business leaders—and certainly crucial to the future wellness industry. While this is primarily driven by social choice, endocrine disruption (that has caused a 50% decline in sperm count over the past 50 years, plus soaring miscarriages) is also an important contributing factor. Now COVID has added another…

Industry Research: Charting Your Own Mental Wellness Pathways

There are numerous pathways to mental wellness, many of which are known to us but often seem like an impossible to-do list. In GWI’s report Defining the Mental Wellness Economy, we segment them into four broad categories: 1) activity and creativity, 2) growth and nourishment, 3) rest and rejuvenation, and 4) connection and meaning. These domains have mind-body and internal-external dimensions, although their boundaries may…