Wellness Evidence Study: Napping as Medicine

People Who Nap 1-2 Times a Week 48 Percent Less Likely to Have Heart Attack A new observational study from the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland, found that people who nap once or twice a week (for between five minutes and an hour) were 48 percent less likely to have a heart attack, stroke or heart failure than non-nappers. ACCESS THIS STUDY

Wellness Evidence Study: Any Daily Activity Lowers Mortality Risk

A large new study shows that people that move around during the day, no matter how modestly, are less likely to die prematurely. It’s a meaningful study because it looked at what people were actually doing via fitness trackers (and not just what they self-reported), and it found that the biggest life expectancy gains came from people that shifted from being almost totally sedentary to…

Wellness Evidence Study: Paying People to Stop Smoking Proves Very Effective

A large, new meta-analysis of 33 studies (21,000 people) from the very stringent Cochrane Reviews found that paying people to stop smoking is very effective. Not only were people receiving financial rewards for kicking the habit more likely to quit, they were also more likely to remain smoke-free. The amount was irrelevant: It was just as effective to pay $100 as more than $700. ACCESS…

Wellness Evidence Study: Yoga Breathing & Relaxation Lowers Blood Pressure as Much as Aerobic Exercise

A new meta-analysis (49 studies) published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings indicates that yoga practice that emphasizes mental relaxation and breathing techniques can have as much of a positive impact on high blood pressure as aerobic exercise: It results in blood pressure reductions as large as 11/6 mmHg, equal to or exceeding those reported for aerobic exercise training. When yoga didn’t emphasize breathing techniques and…