July | Move

Physical activity is a natural medicine to stave off illness and disease, and regular exercise leads to a sense of empowerment. To move isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity, a basic, biological drive as essential to your health as sleep or connection or food. Let the following ideas move you, your coworkers and your family during July and beyond. What constitutes a good life? First…

June | Eat

Healthy eating is an essential ingredient in the recipe to achieve The Wellness MoonshotTM: A World Free of Preventable Disease. It also fuels a more productive workforce and well lives. Use these ideas about eating during June and beyond to foster vitality and wellbeing for your coworkers, your family and yourself. “Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.” English proverb It’s sobering:…

May | Connection

Return to Wellness MoonshotTM Calendar Overview Our world recently lost a generous soul. Rona Abramson was an educator, humanitarian and philanthropist. She also led the Women’s Wing of the Transcendental Meditation Movement, an effort that provides practical tools, wisdom and support to millions of vulnerable women and children in countries worldwide. Rona invited everyone she touched to discover the greatness within themselves and each other,…

April | Go Green

When we commit to ecological responsibility, we not only benefit our organizations and the planet, we benefit ourselves. The simple truth? Every one of us is nature in marvelous expression. The following information will help you “go green” and promote wellbeing in your company, leadership and life. We encourage you to use these ideas during April and beyond to create a healthy planet and a…

March | Brain

Brainpower fuels our organizations, communities and a well life. We rely on this approximately three-pound marvel to learn, remember, feel, multitask, dream, focus, create, transform and much more. Yet, it’s easy to take the brain for granted. The following information is designed to help you successfully support brain health in your organization/company—and at home. We hope you will use these ideas to celebrate the amazing…

February | Heart

There is a richness in experiencing a well heart. It’s easy to think of the heart as only a muscular organ that circulates blood throughout the human body. But the heart is so much more. When we live and work with a fullness of heart, we bring our whole selves to people and situations. Our creativity blossoms with unlimited possibilities. We help others wholeheartedly and…