May | Embrace

  May | Embrace May all the uneasiness be blown away by the summer breeze while the joy and happiness bloom like the summer flowers blossoming in the bright and vigorous season. The Beginning of Summer No idea whether you share the same feeling with me. When you opened the door someday this May, the scorching sun and the green mountain in the distance surged…

June 2021 | Include: Apply Moonshot Thinking and Prioritize Diversity and Inclusion

When it comes to leading wellness in our shared pursuit of a world free of preventable disease, being inclusive is one of our most powerful tools. Inclusive leaders seek to INCLUDE sidelined and disadvantaged voices so that our wellness circle expands and new potentials for wellbeing unfold. Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace.…

Heat Therapies (Saunas, Hot Tubs) Offer Some Similar Benefits as Exercise

Heat Therapies (Saunas, Hot Tubs) Offer Some Similar Benefits as Exercise A new meta-review of studies from Coventry University-UK found that heat therapies, such as time in saunas or hot baths, raise core body temp and improve blood flow, leading to benefits that include lower blood pressure, better blood sugar control, better fitness levels, and reduced inflammation—all similar to the effects of moderate exercise such…

June 2021 | Include

Curated by the Global Wellness Institute and Renee Moorefield, member of the GWI Advisory Boardand CEO of Wisdom Works Group. Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace.—Albert Schweitzer When it comes to leading wellness, as in our shared pursuit of a world free of preventable disease, being inclusive is perhaps one of our most…

Mental Wellness: Born of Ancient Traditions, Commercialized as a Modern Industry

Mental wellness is neither a modern concept nor a new practice. Since the beginning of civilization, humans have sought out ways to understand and improve ourselves, to find wholeness and happiness, to comprehend and cope with life’s mysteries, to work toward a moral good, and to please the gods. Over the last 50–60 years, many of these efforts have come to be associated with the…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of June 2, 2021)

The Big Money Is Going Vegan–New York Times, May 18, 2021Alternative dairy company Oatly’s successful IPO exemplifies the changes in consumer preferences that are reshaping the food business. The stunning rise of the producer of dairy substitutes shows that it’s no longer enough for food to taste good and be healthy—it needs to be good for the planet as well. Can the established big food players…