July | Calm

  July | Calm With iced Beijing “Coke” in the fridge, who’s afraid of the hot, dog days? Health Preservation During Major Heat Suppose the following scenario: You turn on the air conditioner, take out a chilled watermelon from the refrigerator, and let out a deep and satisfied sigh about all the blessings that modern technology can bring amid a blazing summer day. Do you…

Buy One, Give One—The Wellness Moonshot Hanging Work of Art

BUY ONE, GIVE ONE The Wellness Moonshot Hanging Work of Art Now until after Labor Day, September 6th, when you pledge your support of The Wellness Moonshot by donating to the GWI, you’ll receive not one BUT TWO stunning works of art! As a wellness leader, you are often activating and sustaining major wellness change in families, organizations and communities. Don’t forget: Transformation is an…

Kids Gain an Hour+ of Sleep After Yoga & Deep Breathing Training

A new Stanford University study of 1,000 at-risk elementary school kids found that mindfulness classes at school (combining yoga movement and breathwork) led to (on average) an extra 74 minutes of sleep per night and almost a half hour of REM sleep—a huge change. It was the first study to use polysomnography techniques, which measure brain activity, to assess how mindfulness training changes children’s sleep.…

July 2021 | Relax | Wellness Moonshot

Curated by the Global Wellness Institute and Renee Moorefield, member of the GWI Advisory Boardand CEO of Wisdom Works Group. Rest and laughter are the most spiritual and subversive acts of all. Laugh, rest, slow down.—Anne Lamott As the world continues to face the ripple effects of the pandemic, we wellness leaders know many areas of people’s lives and work have taken a wellness hit.…

July 2021 | The Wellness Moonshot and the Subversive Power of Relax

In your efforts to juggle so many demands in life and work, you may be physiologically living in an always-on beta brainwave pattern. Many of us know about the fight-flight-freeze system of reaction, but “fawn” is also a response that reinforces a state of high alarm that may have become your new normal. So, it’s possible—indeed, probable—you’ve forgotten that relaxation is one of your most…

The Wellness Moonshot: China connects the body and mind with the health of the environment

One Health, One Wellness—The Wellness Moonshot: China GWI’s Wellness Moonshot has partnered with Tianren Culture, a Chinese-based, next-generation social platform whose mission is to drive positive values and lifestyles. The Wellness Moonshot: China shares techniques and tools to improve dietary, respiratory and mental health issues via WeChat, the largest social media platform in mainland China with over one billion active monthly users! Tianren Culture’s focus is “One…