Wellness Economy Research Webinar Series

GWI Research Webinar Series with GWI Research Fellows Katherine Johnston, Ophelia Yeung and Tonia Callender GWI’s researchers are the pioneers and powerhouse team that have defined and measured the global wellness economy and its 11 sectors for the last 15 years. How do they do this work? What are their current and evolving thoughts on the wellness economy? In this quarterly webinar series, GWI Research…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World

The End of Retirement–The Walrus, December 2023 The article focuses on Canada, but is equally valid across the developed world, and soon much of the developing world. People reaching their sixties are now in a dramatically different situation than that of their parents: they can’t assume that work has come to an end. Stagnating revenues (or pensions), higher life expectancy, and rising healthcare costs are…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Oct. 25th, 2023)

Why are we so bad at getting better? We must re-embrace convalescence–The New Yorker, October 18, 2023  Convalescence used to be central to medicine. Now we don’t talk about it. After an infection, a surgery, or even a panic attack, people rush back to daily life at half strength, feeling they need “permission to recover,” and neglecting the sleep, rest and follow-up care that could…