Must Reads from the Wellness World (August 30th, 2023)

The next frontier for corporate benefits: menopause–The New York Times  In an effort to attract and retain experienced women, more companies are adding menopause-specific care to their benefits packages. Providers of corporate menopause support services say uptake has been fast. Peppy, a UK telehealth company, offers menopause support in workplaces and launched in the US this year. US healthcare benefits provider Maven provides employees with…

Must-reads from the Wellness World (July 26th, 2023)

Floods, heat, smoke: The weather will never be normal again–The New York Times, July 12, 2023  The first sentence says it all: “Global warming is accelerating, with temperatures not just rising but rising faster than ever.” Progressively, once-in-a-thousand-years climate events are becoming the norm, but as human beings we are incredibly adaptable, and recent research suggests we may come to accept weather extremes as normal within…