The Moonshot for September: RENEW

The world was already in a burnout crisis pre-pandemic, and now the pressure on people has skyrocketed, eroding our mental health; creating imbalances in our lives and work; influencing potential epigenetic changes linked to everything from inflammation to infertility; and revealing inequities in medical care, employment, and other key social determinants of our health. (Children particularly feel the brunt of this pandemic.) For September, The Wellness Moonshot offers strategies on how you…

Thierry Malleret on “Wellbeing as a Net Winner in the Post-Pandemic Era”

Anyone in the business of wellness should mark their calendars for Wednesday, September 9 (9:30–10:30 AM EDT) for a GWS master class from Thierry Malleret, co-founder of the Monthly Barometer. Malleret will present on how wellness looks to be a major winner post-COVID-19, and what that means for different sectors of the global wellness economy. GWI’s partner economist Malleret also founded the Global Risk Network…

Wellness Evidence Study: Obesity Hurts the Brain

A new study from Johns Hopkins and the University of California, Irvine found that people with a higher body mass index have less blood flowing to their brain, which might explain why obesity is tied to Alzheimer’s risk. Performing brain scans on 17,721 men and women, they discovered that the higher the BMI, the lower the blood flow to five regions of the brain that…

The Pandemic Is Changing Young Generations’ Wellness Behaviors

A new survey from VICE Media (people aged 16–39 from 30 countries) sheds interesting light on how COVID-19 is driving new attitudes—and more investment in—health and wellness among millennials and Gen Z. Young people report that they’re much more dedicated to their wellness since COVID-19 and that it’s their mental wellbeing (even more than their medical wellbeing) that they consider the most important element of…

A Mental Health Crisis Is Surging

The nagging anxieties and uncertainty caused by fear of the pandemic and its second-round effects (on employment, incomes, social and political stability) are not going away. The psychological impact of the pandemic is becoming ever more apparent. According to a recent poll, more than 50% of American adults (more than 1 in 2!) assert that COVID-19 is taking a toll on their psychological wellbeing and…

Expert Q&A: Nicola Finley, MD–The Wellness Disconnect for Black Communities

Expert Q&A: Nicola Finley, MD–The Wellness Disconnect for Black Communities The GWI recently released a “Wellness in the Age of COVID-19” Q&A with Dr. Nicola Finley, who practices integrative medicine at Canyon Ranch in Tucson, Arizona, and who worked for a decade with economically disadvantaged Black and brown communities there. Dr. Finley discusses… How people of color have not felt sufficiently seen, heard or valued by the wellness industry—and how COVID-19…