The Physical Activity Market Is Currently Engaging Only 1/3 of the World’s Population. Why Is That?

The $828 billion global physical activity sector, while enormous, is currently only engaging about one-third of the world’s population. According to The Lancet, one-quarter to one-third of adults around the world are not getting sufficient physical activity by any method (via natural movement or recreational activities). The large and growing share of the world’s population with insufficient physical activity represents a major ongoing public health…

Wellness Evidence Study: Regular Exercise Protects Against COVID Hospitalization and Death

A new study from Kaiser Permanente Southern California of 50,000 people who developed COVID had some striking findings: People who exercised for 10 minutes or less each week ended up hospitalized because of COVID at twice the rate of people who exercised 150 minutes a week—and were 2.5 times more likely to die. The researchers noted that being sedentary (something you can do something about)…

Q&A with Dr. Shoshana Ungerleider: What Has the Pandemic Taught Us About Wellness, Death and Dying

  Shoshana Ungerleider, MD, founder of the End Well project Dr. Shoshana Ungerleider is an award-winning physician, writer and producer—and founder of End Well, a series of events and a media platform focused on transforming the end of life into a human-centered experience. She is a leading voice in healthcare who regularly appears on CNN, MSNBC and CBS News and is the executive producer of…

Industry Research: Charting Your Own Mental Wellness Pathways

There are numerous pathways to mental wellness, many of which are known to us but often seem like an impossible to-do list. In GWI’s report Defining the Mental Wellness Economy, we segment them into four broad categories: 1) activity and creativity, 2) growth and nourishment, 3) rest and rejuvenation, and 4) connection and meaning. These domains have mind-body and internal-external dimensions, although their boundaries may…

GWI Launches Sleep Initiative

Insufficient sleep (quantity and quality) is a global health epidemic that has serious public health and economic costs. To help tackle this crisis, the GWI has launched a Sleep Initiative, which will uncover the evidence-based strategies that contribute to restorative sleep and how to incorporate these into lifestyles, homes and hotels. The Initiative is co-chaired by Allison Howard, founder and CEO of Nollapelli, and Francisco…