Russia’s Aggression Stoking a Global Food Crisis and Major ‘Wellbeing Inequality’ Issue

Russia’s Aggression Stoking a Global Food Crisis and Major ‘Wellbeing Inequality’ Issue  By Thierry Malleret, economist Russia’s aggression is stoking a major global food crisis which hurts disproportionately the poorest nations and the poorest people. The conflict is constraining production and supplies in the Black Sea breadbasket region (which accounts for about a quarter of all grain trades) and is wreaking havoc on food and…

Asia’s $1.5 Trillion Wellness Economy Shrank the Least During the Pandemic

Asia’s $1.5 Trillion Wellness Economy Shrank the Least During the Pandemic     The GWI’s recent research report ranks 150 countries by their annual wellness spend. It also measures every global region’s spend and recent growth rates. The report finds that Asia-Pacific is the world’s largest wellness market ($1.5 trillion), followed by North America ($1.3 trillion) and Europe ($1.1 trillion).  Asia’s wellness market simply has the…


Rejuvenation of woman’s skin could tackle diseases of ageing–BBC News, April 8, 2022  Cambridge United Kingdom (UK) researchers have rejuvenated a 53-year-old woman’s skin cells so they are the equivalent of a 23-year-old’s—and they believe that they can do the same thing with other tissues in the body, to develop treatments for age-related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and neurological disorders. The technology is…

As the Climate Crisis Intensifies, ‘Leave Only Footprints’ Travel Is Gaining Traction

As the Climate Crisis Intensifies, ‘Leave Only Footprints’ Travel Is Gaining Traction By Thierry Malleret, economist The warning lights of accelerating climate disruption and possible abrupt climate breakdown are flashing red. A few weeks ago, Antarctica was 40°C (104° Fahrenheit) degrees warmer than average. These extremes can in turn trigger amplified warming and further extreme weather events. The recent “rain bomb” in Lismore, Australia is…

The Composition of the Wellness Economy Varies Dramatically Across Countries

The Composition of the Wellness Economy Varies Dramatically Across Countries   The GWI’s recent research report ranks nations by their annual spend on wellness—and is the first research to provide the big “wellness number” for 150 countries. But industries develop very differently in different places (with different historical, cultural and socio-economic realities)—and that’s especially true for wellness. So, while healthy eating, physical activity and beauty/personal care…


Cold showers, hot saunas and the new way to tame stress–The Wall Street Journal, March 14, 2022 A growing body of research indicates that short intermittent bouts of stress (called hormetic stress)—such as hot and cold experiences, high-intensity exercise, and intermittent fasting—can strengthen your ability to withstand chronic stress during tough times. Researchers such as Dr. Elissa Epel at the University of California, San Francisco…