June | Eat

Healthy eating is an essential ingredient in the recipe to achieve The Wellness MoonshotTM: A World Free of Preventable Disease. It also fuels a more productive workforce and well lives. Use these ideas about eating during June and beyond to foster vitality and wellbeing for your coworkers, your family and yourself. “Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.” English proverb It’s sobering:…

Climate Change: The Defining Future Issue for the Wellness Industry

MONTHLY BAROMETER – WELLNESS EDITION Monthly Barometer No more beating about the bush: Climate change is a risk like no other, and it’s accelerating. (1) A spate of recent research concludes that greater severity and intensity of extreme weather with its second-round effects (such as rising waters) is not only happening but on the increase. (2) Two central bank governors just called on financial regulators,…

The Future of Work: Businesses Must Focus on Purpose and Flexibility

For most metrics measuring human progress (ranging from GDP-per-capita to life expectancy), we’ve never had a better life; yet a surprising number of individuals in high-income countries (most notably in the Anglo-Saxon world) feel miserable at work (where we spend a third of our adult life). The reasons are manifold and hard to address for traditional companies: purposeless jobs, punitive hours, dreadful commutes, “always-on” culture,…

The Dramatic Effects of “Brexeternity” on Brits’ Wellbeing

MONTHLY BAROMETER – WELLNESS EDITION “Brexeternity”—At the eleventh hour, all options are back on the table, from May’s deal to a no-deal, from a softer Brexit to a second referendum. But irrespective of the actual outcome, Brexit won’t be over any time soon. For years to come, the British economy, society and politics will be consumed by wrangling and negotiations with the EU (and the…

May | Connection

Return to Wellness MoonshotTM Calendar Overview Our world recently lost a generous soul. Rona Abramson was an educator, humanitarian and philanthropist. She also led the Women’s Wing of the Transcendental Meditation Movement, an effort that provides practical tools, wisdom and support to millions of vulnerable women and children in countries worldwide. Rona invited everyone she touched to discover the greatness within themselves and each other,…

What Will a #MeOnly Society Mean for Human Wellbeing?

Here is a developing trend worth pondering (with significant investment implications): the slow death of the family and the emergence of a #MeOnly society. Consumption, travel, housing, etc. are increasingly centered on the individual. Do you doubt it? This is backed by data (the number of young and middle-aged people living alone is soaring) and surprising new trends, such as “solomoons” replacing honeymoons (you celebrate…