The “Do No Harm” Principle Will Become a Travel Destination

The recent landmark UN report on biodiversity comes to the sobering conclusion that the decline of the world’s biodiversity is such that “it is eroding the foundations of our economies, livelihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide.” Demographics are a major culprit: We were 1.5 billion people a century ago, 6.1 billion in 2000, and 7.2 billion today, but what the report also…

August | Kids

“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” — Nelson Mandela, Former President of South Africa Are our children well—and are they becoming well adults and responsible citizens? This question isn’t just for parents; every organization, large and small, has a stake in the answer. Because when it comes to the welfare of today’s…

July | Move

Physical activity is a natural medicine to stave off illness and disease, and regular exercise leads to a sense of empowerment. To move isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity, a basic, biological drive as essential to your health as sleep or connection or food. Let the following ideas move you, your coworkers and your family during July and beyond. What constitutes a good life? First…

Cruise Industry’s Surprisingly Big, Negative Environmental Impact

We predict that concerns about the cost to the environment of air travel will come to the boil in 2020. The backlash is growing, and the wellness industry must prepare for it. The “do no harm” (to your community, to the environment) principle will become an obligation, and travel companies will be held accountable. But the air industry is far from the only culprit. A…

The “Young-Old” Generation (aged 60–75) Are Going to Shake Things Up

MONTHLY BAROMETER – WELLNESS EDITION Aging is the most potent and enduring global trend and lies behind much of what is going on in economics and our societies. With the notable exception of Sub-Saharan Africa, longer lifespans and declining birth rates are now the norms almost everywhere. The implications are broad and all-encompassing, ranging from the future balance of power between the US and China…

In Our Age of Digital Surveillance Privacy Will Increasingly Become a Wellness Issue

MONTHLY BAROMETER – WELLNESS EDITION The age of digital authoritarianism and the reign of techno-autocrats are upon us. China is leading the way with their new “Social Ranking” Initiative, tracking people’s behavior (such as their health/fitness) and rewarding and punishing with things such as access to healthcare or government services. But eventually all countries will follow suit with different degrees of intensity: If (or when)…