November | Water

Once upon a time, a great forest caught on fire. While all the other animals panicked, a little hummingbird named Dukdukdiya flew quickly upstream. She picked up a single drop of water in her beak and carried it to the flames again and again. Thinking her efforts laughable against the blaze, Bear asked what she was doing. Dukdukdiya replied, “I am doing the best I…

#Flyshame Era: Wellness Travel Industry Will Be Held Especially Accountable

MONTHLY BAROMETER – WELLNESS EDITION Climate will reshape politics. There isn’t a single climate solution, so expect tomorrow’s world to be messy. Maybe more than other industries because of the values it embodies and the image it projects, the wellness industry will be held accountable for how it deals with the environment and the climate. Increasingly, clients, investors (for public companies), activists and also regulators…

October | Joy

“Joy is the lack of lack.”—Jessica Jesse, CEO, BuDhaGirl BuDhaGirl CEO Jessica Jesse reminds us that when we place our attention on the richness of life rather than what we believe we lack, joy naturally emerges. The Jewish diarist Anne Frank also understood the power of this inner shift. After a life of hiding during the Nazi occupation, she wrote, “I don’t think of all…

The Wellness Moonshot for September: How to Get More Healthy Sleep

With our always-on work, sleep and recovery are undervalued. Our world is increasingly sleep-deprived, and insufficient sleep is now considered a public health crisis with far-reaching human and economic consequences. So, for September, the GWI’s The Wellness Moonshot™ Calendar: A Year of Inspiration offers tips on how to get more sleep—from learning from other sleep-healthy cultures to companies implementing email blackout times and structuring work around employees’…

Global Food Habits Going in the Wrong Direction

We can’t be well in a world that is falling apart. Therefore, successfully adjusting to a low-carbon economy is of critical importance to the industry whose raison d’être is to promote and sell wellness. One aspect that is often overlooked (or rather doesn’t receive the attention it deserves) is food. Global food habits, dominated by narrow, standardized, industrialized, and more often than not, inappropriate choices…