Move From a Foundation of Wellbeing

“In these unusual and trying times, it is perhaps more important than ever to remember the profound benefits of movement. Making a concerted effort to live a life that includes physical activity is challenging, but the rewards of doing so unlocks a multitude of benefits that can help individuals and communities live healthier, happier lives.” —Josh McCarter, CEO, Mindbody As we touched on in an…

A Mental Health Crisis Is Surging

The nagging anxieties and uncertainty caused by fear of the pandemic and its second-round effects (on employment, incomes, social and political stability) are not going away. The psychological impact of the pandemic is becoming ever more apparent. According to a recent poll, more than 50% of American adults (more than 1 in 2!) assert that COVID-19 is taking a toll on their psychological wellbeing and…

COVID-19 & New Wellness Habits: The Boom in Cycling

The pandemic brings many positive domino effects. Habit formation will become an important part of the economic story of COVID-19. Four to five months is long enough to get into a new routine, and it is likely that WFH (working from home), outdoor exercise, more home cooking, and many other COVID-related types of behavior will persist beyond the direct pandemic period: habits once adopted tend…

Renew Your Body, Mind and Spirit

“If you watch how nature deals with adversity, continually renewing itself, you can’t help but learn.”—Bernie Siegel, MD When it comes to renewing ourselves and others—an imperative during the global Coronavirus pandemic—we wellness leaders can learn a lot from the moon. This beautiful sphere, unifying us all, orbits the Earth in about a month. Each day it appears to grow larger (waxing) or smaller (waning),…

Wellness for Children Initiative Collaboration Call

  Wellness for Children Initiative Collaboration: Family Life in Lockdown This open and honest conversation, hosted by the GWI’s Wellness for Children Initiative, in collaboration with the Mental Wellness and First 1,000 Days Initiatives, is an opportunity to learn how families are coping with the global quarantine –from home schooling and upskilling, to isolation, to illness and death. Participants will also discuss how dramatic changes…

Shorter Work Week Concept Gains Steam with COVID-19

Employment is one of the most important determinants of wellbeing, and conversely, unemployment has a strong deleterious effect on our wellbeing (studies examining mental health during lockdown conclude that those forced to leave paid work suffered much more than those who remained fully or partially employed or were furloughed). The repercussions of unemployment go well beyond the loss of income. It affects not only the…