September | Balance

September | Balance Among the 24 solar terms, White Dew is the most poetic one. Time, as if by magic, makes the climate so pleasant. The crystal dew begins to turn white; the breeze starts to cool from tonight White Dew is the 15th solar term of this year and the third one in autumn. A Collective Interpretation of the Seventy-two Phenological terms said, “The…


Interoception: the hidden sense that shapes wellbeing–The Guardian, August 15, 2021 Interoception—or the attention paid to the signals sent from our internal organs to the brain—is one of our most important senses. It lies behind our sense of intuition—when something feels “right” or “wrong” without an explanation—but there’s growing scientific evidence that it plays a major role in regulating emotions and fending off anxiety and…

GWI’s Workplace Wellbeing Initiative Releases “Return to Work Standards”

Workplace wellbeing was complex before COVID-19, and then this crisis fundamentally changed the very nature of work—from the mass reality of work-from-home to negotiating going back to workplaces in an ongoing pandemic. To help companies navigate this moment, the GWI’s Workplace Wellness Initiative has released an important, detailed “Return to Work Standards” guide. This is just the first Workplace Wellbeing Standards that will offer employers…

Study: Conventional Wisdom about Metabolism Is Completely Wrong: A Slowdown Doesn’t Happen in Mid-Life and Women Don’t Have Slower Metabolisms than Men

It’s widely believed that people put on weight in middle age because their metabolisms slow down and that women have slower metabolisms than men, and menopause makes things worse (which is why women struggle with weight issues.) A large, new study (6,500 people) indicates that those assumptions are flat-out wrong. Rather than metabolism slowing in middle age, there are four distinct phases of metabolic change:…

Study: How Do People – Young, Old, Men, Women – Think Differently about Beauty and Wellness?

  “Beauty” and “wellness” are elusive concepts, and a new study from the University of Pennsylvania (454 participants) analyzed how people free associate with these terms, using semantic network analysis to provide new insight into how people really think about these two concepts. The study investigated: 1) What concepts surround beauty and wellness? 2) How are these concepts linked? 3) Does the way people think about beauty and wellness change across generations (from…

Air Quality Will Become Much Bigger Focus in the Wellness Industry and Investment Space

Air Quality Will Become Much Bigger Focus in the Wellness Industry and Investment Space By Thierry Malleret, economist  This year, climate catastrophes are here for all to see: dramatic floods in China’s Henan province, parts of Europe and India, and Uganda; unbearably high temperatures in many parts of the world, including North Africa and Turkey; “unimaginable” wildfires in the West of the US, Canada and…