Physical Inactivity for Kids Is Out of Control–Policymakers Are Taking Action

Physical Inactivity for Kids Is Out of Control–Policymakers Are Taking Action  The World Health Organization recently released alarming data: 81% of kids between the ages of 11 and 17 are now inactive, with girls most affected (85% are inactive, vs 78% of boys). The World Obesity Federation recently estimated that between 2020 and 2035, obesity in children and teens will double. The healthcare costs are spinning…

Wellness Architecture & Design Initiative 2022 Trends

2022 Trends Wellness Architecture is a Mega-Trend in 2022 and Beyond The way people work, live and socialize has changed dramatically for most of us during the pandemic. Newly embraced lifestyle and workplace shifts, coupled with an increasing focus on climate change, has opened the gates wider for investors, developers and designers to further explore design possibilities for this new paradigm. Some of the related…

Wellness Architecture & Design Initiative 2021 Trends

  2021 Trends TREND 1: Spiritual and Numinous Moments in Architecture Creating spaces that ground, connect and uplift us is an essential part of daily rituals in a fast-paced, ever-connected digital era. Creating moments for mindfulness, introspection and connections is taking all kinds of shapes in our homes, workplaces and communities, from DIY meditation coves to contemporary, non-faith-based temples open to the public. TREND 2: Deep Integration…

Wellness Architecture & Design Initiative 2020 Trends

TREND 1: Prescribing Light Science shows light is not just something we see by, but a necessary nutrient to fuel our health. Proper fixtures in buildings can improve mood and biological health by ensuring hormones are regulated by circadian-accurate color and intensity throughout the day. Additionally, light can be used to purify surfaces and the air, including light fixtures that kill viruses, bacteria and microbes.…

2023 AI Trends

AI Initiative Trends 2023 Trends The rise of technologies like Artificial Intelligence, web3 and Augmented Reality promises to revolutionize and enhance the wellness world in new, exciting ways: from tailor-made, comprehensive wellness plans, to communal, virtual wellness platforms, to incentive-based apps that gamify our wellness goals, to AI-powered coaches that offer personalized guidance. At the same time, AR will play a crucial role in creating…

Consulting Initiative Trends 2023

Exploring Consulting Best Practices Initiative Trends 2023 More and more, spas are becoming a unique, social gathering space—especially after the pandemic. The same is apparent in the hotel industry, which is adopting design changes to accommodate this new trend. This movement toward group wellness is also spurring an increase in traditional and indigenous ceremonies. Also, more organizations are leveraging the data we generate with fitness apps…