How COVID-19 most impacts the active 50+ demographic

In this edition of the Wellness Q&A Series Beth McGroarty, VP, Research & Forecasting, Global Wellness Institute asks: How has the Coronavirus most impacted the 50+? (The most active, empowered group of “older people” in history?) What developments under COVID will most change the lives of older generations post-virus? Why are you positive about the future? Q&A with David Stewart of the AGEIST, a media…

Cathy Chon on the real future for travel and wellness

In this edition of the Wellness Q&A Series Beth McGroarty, VP, Research & Forecasting, Global Wellness Institute asks: How will COVID-19 change the wellness market and concept? What’s the real future for travel? What are the right (and wrong) ways for brands to communicate during the pandemic?   Q&A with Catherine Feliciano-Chon, founder, managing director, CatchOn – a Finn Partners company Cathy Chon is founder…

May’s Wellness Moonshot: ADAPT

During COVID-19, we’re all adapting in ways we never thought possible. The research shows that being adaptable helps you buffer stress and deal with life’s traumas with greater resilience. Experts in Traditional Chinese Medicine, India’s traditional medicine model of Ayurveda, and Western medicine go so far as to say that being adaptable is the very definition of health, and it plays out physiologically, interpersonally and societally. The Wellness Moonshot Calendar for…

GWI Launches The Clean Water Initiative

The GWI has announced The Clean Water Initiative. Nearly one-third of all countries currently face medium to high levels of water stress, and billions of people suffer from a lack of safe drinking water and basic sanitation facilities, while climate change means severe floods and droughts. Water security is a global crisis, and all wellness sectors need to take action in reducing water waste and…

Wellness Evidence Study: 4-Second Bursts of Exercise Throughout Day Undo Metabolic Effects of Being Sedentary

A small, but interesting, new study from the University of Texas found that just 4 seconds of intense exercise (in this case, sprinting on a stationary bike) throughout the day (for a total of 2 minutes and 40 seconds across 8 hours) has an eye-opening impact on metabolic health: lowering triglycerides 30 percent and burning significant fat. The researchers noted that frequent, extremely tiny bursts…

What’s the Future of Faith & Spirituality Post-Pandemic? – Q&A with Martin Palmer

GWI’s PositivelyWell campaign interviews leaders on “Wellness in the Age of COVID-19.” The latest Q&A is with Martin Palmer, a brilliant thinker on the role of faith in human culture and co-founder with Prince Philip of Faithinvest, an organization that helps faiths worldwide develop environmental project investments. Most of the ink spilled on “wellness in the Coronavirus era” has been on fitness and wellness classes…