Let’s Wage a War on Loneliness The New York Times, November 9, 2019
The columnist explains why the condition of loneliness that corrodes modern life isn’t just depressing but can also be deadly. More than one-fifth of adults in both the US and Britain now report they often or always feel lonely, and the problem has now become so pervasive that Britain appointed a Minister for Loneliness. This article discusses some of the measures implemented in the UK that may be emulated in other countries.

The Dark Psychology of Social Networks The Atlantic, December 2019
The social psychologist and the strategist explain in an elaborate, yet accessible, manner “why it feels like everything is going haywire.” There are multiple reasons: (1) social media turns communication into public performance and lures us into a new gladiatorial circus, (2) it has also become a powerful accelerant for anyone who wants to start a fire, and (3) platforms are designed with the intent of making outrage contagious. The article concludes by making a few suggestions so that social media regains the power to do good.

Looking to Scientists to Expand Eco-Tourism EffortsThe New York Times, November 13, 2019
Hotels and eco and wellness resorts are bringing in scientists to conduct serious academic inquiries while also offering nature tours and environmental workshops and classes for guests. Hotel owners say this new ecological effort trumps any financial hits they may take.

Climate Tipping Points — Too Risky To Bet AgainstNature, November 29, 2019
People feel bombarded with articles on the climate emergency. It’s necessary because the risk is intense and far-reaching. One more piece in which prominent scientists explain in plain and incontrovertible terms why the growing threat of abrupt and irreversible climate changes must compel political and economic action on emissions. Evidence is mounting that “tipping points” are more likely than was thought, have incredibly negative impacts, and are interconnected across different biophysical systems, potentially leading to long-term irreversible changes. The math: E = R × U = p × D × τ / T (Emergency = risk x urgency = probability x damage x reaction time/time left for intervention).

Google’s Secret Cache of Medical Data Includes Names and Full Details of Millions – WhistleblowerThe Guardian, November 12, 2019
Whistleblower tells the Guardian of growing alarm over the secret transfer of medical history data, which can be accessed by Google staff.

Striking Stat:
Just 35 percent of the world population regularly participates in recreational physical activities. Australia and Taiwan lead the world with 84 percent participation rates.

Source: Global Wellness Institute, “Move To Be Well: The Global Economy of Physical Activity.” 10/2019