By Hadley Freeman – The Guardian, June 27, 2015   

  Photograph: Perou for the Guardian
Photograph: Perou for the Guardian

“They’re young, photogenic, big on Instagram and top bestseller lists around the world—but how much do the new breed of wellness bloggers know about food? Hadley Freeman enters the world of #yummy #avotoast to find out.”

This well-researched article claims that “ostentatiously ascetic good health is now a major fashion trend”—and explains how wellness bloggers have overtaken fashion stylists and yoga teachers as the fashionable job option. Everywhere we look, “wellness” —that zeitgeisty term for the pursuit of health—appears as “the new luxury status symbol.”

While it’s easy to mock this phenomenon, read more on just how big a BUSINESS wellness blogging “gurus” have become…