2023 Global Wellness Economy Monitor (2019-2022 data)

The 2023 Global Wellness Economy Monitor Data for 2019-2022 The 2023 Global Wellness Institute research reveals that the wellness economy has made a powerful recovery from the pandemic, reaching $5.6 trillion in 2022. This report is packed with data capturing the growth and trends in the global wellness economy and its 11 sectors from 2019-2022. GWI’s 2023 Global Wellness Economy Monitor report reveals a wellness market…

Wellness Policy for Mental Wellness

Wellness Policy for Mental Wellness   GWI’s Mental Wellness Policy Toolkit explains why we need to promote our mental wellness and offers specific policy actions that many stakeholders (governments, local communities, business leaders, health professionals) can take to support it. This is not another mental health policy report. The toolkit presents mental wellness as a coherent domain of wellness policy that is separate from, and…

Understanding GWI’s Mental Wellness Economy Data

Understanding GWI’s Mental Wellness Economy Data (A market that will grow from $181 billion in 2022 to $330 billion by 2027) In November 2020, the Global Wellness Institute (GWI) released Defining the Mental Wellness Economy, which was the first ever study to clearly define mental wellness as separate from mental health, and to define and quantify the mental wellness industry. Mental wellness was most recently…

Wellness Communities & Real Estate Reports

REPORTS UNITED STATES GWI: Wellness Communities & Real Estate Initiative 2021 Trends Urban Land Institute Building Healthy Places Initiative Toolkit Health and Social Equity in Real Estate: State of the Market (ULI) Health and Social Equity in Real Estate: Examples from the Field (ULI) The Pandemic and the Public Realm: Global Innovations for Health, Social Equity and Sustainability (ULI) ULI Sustainability Outlook 2021 A Rising…

Navigating Sleep Supplements

Navigating Sleep Supplements According to nationally representative data, approximately 1 in 3 Americans are falling short of the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep,1 and in a recent study led by Dr. Rebecca Robbins (funded by the Bryte Foundation), approximately 2 in 3 Americans report not getting the restorative sleep they should, ultimately affecting their mental, emotional, and physical health. The benefits of healthy,…

The Neuroscience of Coaching

The Neuroscience of Coaching By Laurie Ellington    Whether clients want to quit smoking, develop healthier eating patterns, lose weight, or get more  organized, they are looking for support for behavior change. Helping people change habitual  behavior lies at the heart of health and wellness coaching.   Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity  Neuroscience is the science of the brain and behavior. From the perspective of neuroscience,  habits are…