Six Trends in Wellness Real Estate & Communities from GWI’s Initiative

Photo: Tri Vananda Biophilic Design Six Trends in Wellness Real Estate & Communities from GWI’s Initiative FROM THINKING PAST BRICKS-AND-MORTAR TO PEOPLE AND COMMUNITY FIRST TO APPLYING WELLNESS TO ANY SIZE REAL ESTATE PROJECT-FROM THE SMALLEST TO THE LARGEST The Global Wellness Institute’s Wellness Communities and Real Estate Initiative has identified six trends that create a framework for how developers and investors can think about…

What Are the Big Trends in Wellness Real Estate and Communities?

What Are the Big Trends in Wellness Real Estate and Communities? It’s on the agenda at the GWI’s Wellness Real Estate & Communities Symposium By Beth McGroarty, VP Research & Forecasting  We all know—personally, intuitively, and from reports from analysts and researchers—that the pandemic completely transformed the concept, function and value of the home. It became our “everything” (from where we work to workout), and…

Capitalizing on the Demand for “Built-in” Wellness: The Case for Consulting

Capitalizing on the Demand for “Built-in” Wellness: The Case for Consulting By Susie Ellis, Chair & CEO, Global Wellness Institute, US Wellness Real Estate and Communities is a cutting-edge field that has very few existing “experts”. Real estate developers, designers and property operators are sensing the rising consumer demand for wellness services, technology and design integrated into homes, work environments and vacation destinations – and…

September 2021 | The Wellness Moonshot and How LEARN Empowers Wellness Lifestyles

The goal of The Wellness Moonshot: A World Free of Preventable Disease is to make wellness central to every aspect of our organizations, communities, societies and personal lives. This is an aspirational task, but it isn’t impossible. We humans have a superpower at our disposal: Our magnificent ability to learn. “I am still learning.” ––Michelangelo at age 87 WHAT CAN WE LEARN ABOUT LEARNING? In the simplest…

When an Orange Is No Longer an Orange

When an orange is no longer an orange I am often reminded of the moment I was asked, during my Freshman year at RISD, to construct a realistic orange out of nothing but corrugated cardboard, a matt knife and Elmer’s glue. It had to have the texture of an orange, be able to be peeled, have removable sections, seeds within the sections, and that stringy…

Investor Perceptions: How Health and Wellbeing Are Seen as a Value Driver in Real Estate

Investor perceptions: How health and wellbeing are seen as a value driver in real estate Wellness Real Estate & Communities Symposium Tuesday, September 28, 8:00 AM-4:00 PM ET • In Person NYC & Virtual (session length: 30-40 mins) In the face of COVID-19, it has become increasingly clear that real estate investment decisions—and returns—are inextricably linked to the health and wellbeing of building occupants and…