Digital Wellness Initiative 2022 Trends

Digital Wellness Initiative 2022 Trends TREND 1: This Year Social Media Users Want Real Life Connection It’s no secret that the lives we see documented on social media are not really the lives that people are living. More often than not, whether it is a picture posted on Instagram, or a status update on Facebook, all we are seeing is a snapshot of a person’s…

2018 Wellness in the Age of the Smartphone Whitepaper

2018 Wellness in the Age of the Smartphone Whitepaper The purpose of this paper is to consider how the rise of mobile technology is impacting human wellbeing. The authors, drawing from backgrounds in medicine, hospitality, economics and technology, argue that the optimism and excitement about emerging technologies that have the potential to improve human wellness should be tempered with conservative caution that also considers the…

2020 Digital Wellness Infographic

2020 Digital Wellness Infographic The Digital Health market is expanding at a high rate due to recent advances in technology and a paradigm shift towards remote-care and self-care.  Significant investments are being made throughout the sector, with the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic a pivotal milestone for telemedicine and AI-driven technologies.  Fundamental elements, such as universal access to timely, quality and affordable services, are being promoted throughout the world, organically creating a…