Automation, Robots and Drones Will Worsen the Loneliness Epidemic

The first grocery store with no cashiers, Amazon.go in Seattle, just opened – a sign of how the coming wave of automation, robots and drones will swallow millions of global jobs. While they’re sure to further exacerbate inequalities, Malleret also ponders how they will worsen the global “Loneliness Epidemic.” When people (ultra-social animals) are increasingly served by an army of robots and drones, what will happen to our “humanness” and wellness? 

Trend to Watch: Legislating Workers’ Rights to Disconnect

On January 1st, a new law in France requires companies with more than 50 employees to start negotiations defining the rights of employees to ignore emails and smartphones in the evenings, on weekends and during vacations. Given the damage that our “always-on” work culture wreaks in terms of burnout, should the “right to disconnect” be legislated? Watch this space: this will become a prominent global issue in 2017.

Take the Global Sauna Survey

Researchers at Australia’s RMIT University are conducting the first-ever survey that explores the characteristics and experiences of people, who sauna regularly. If you have used a sauna in the past three months, please take their survey now:

Trend to Watch: How A.I. Will Impact Health and Wellbeing

Artificial Intelligence is the transformative technology of the 21st century, and a major issue to watch will be how A.I. and big data will dramatically impact health and wellbeing. The developments are creating incredible excitement, but also some serious privacy and security issues.