Personalized, High-Tech Medicine Province of Wealthy for Now

A wave of high-tech start-ups are now tackling the inevitability of aging by harnessing the power of predictive analytics through in-depth analysis of an individual’s genetics, physiology and psychology. The promise: this revolutionary, “precision” approach to medicine/prevention will become normal standard of care. But for now, it’s the province of elites…

GWI’s “Beauty Meets Wellness” Initiative Holds NYC Roundtable

The GWI’s “Beauty Meets Wellness” initiative was formed because we live in a unique time: where beauty, health and wellness are rapidly converging in meaningful ways, and with a new understanding that beauty is more than just “skin deep”. On August 21, the Initiative (led by chair, Mike Bruggeman, CEO, Organic Male OM4), held an expert roundtable in NYC – and key insights will be published in an upcoming Brief.

Screen-Addicted Teens on Brink of Huge Mental Health Crisis

Researchers argue that today’s teens are so powerfully shaped by smartphones and social media that they should properly be called the “iGen.” A growing mountain of data reveals that the iGen is on the brink of the worst mental-health crisis in decades – much of it the fault of their smartphones. Read more about why teens must put down the screens – and why digital detox has such a bright future in the wellness industry…