Video: Living to 160?

At the 2017 Global Wellness Summit, Dr. Michael Roizen, the renowned integrative medicine leader from the Cleveland Clinic, explored “Living to 160” – how it’s possible and what it takes.

Taxing Sugary Beverages: Will Be One of the World’s Most Ferocious Policy Brawls

With global economic growth, more people in emerging markets are entering the middle class and as they do, they adopt “American” eating habits – in particular, consuming too much soda. This has meant skyrocketing obesity, and most experts agree that taxing “sugar bomb” beverages is the only way forward.

But this has led to increasingly violent clashes between countries/cities that propose taxes and “Big Sugar” that spends hundreds of millions of dollars to fight new legislation.

Read about how this battle will intensify in the next few years, putting the fight against obesity and sugary drinks at the very forefront of wellness.