Top 5 Global Hot Springs Trends

The GWI’s Hot Springs Initiative just released their top five trends for thermal/mineral springs bathing—from more hot springs being designed for people of all ages (from infants to seniors) to more activities such as yoga, massage or forest bathing getting woven into the soaking experience to the big increase in more extreme “fire and ice” experiences—moving from hot waters to ice caves and rolls in…

The “Young-Old” Generation (aged 60–75) Are Going to Shake Things Up

MONTHLY BAROMETER – WELLNESS EDITION Aging is the most potent and enduring global trend and lies behind much of what is going on in economics and our societies. With the notable exception of Sub-Saharan Africa, longer lifespans and declining birth rates are now the norms almost everywhere. The implications are broad and all-encompassing, ranging from the future balance of power between the US and China…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of June 18, 2019)

Diet for One? Scientists Stalk the Dream of Personalized Nutrition – The New York Times, June 10, 2019 No single food regimen works for everyone. A new study from King’s College and Harvard researchers is the most comprehensive effort yet to understand why. Their preliminary results showed surprising variations in how well participants processed fats and carbohydrates, even among identical twins. How efficiently a person…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of June 3, 2019)

Can We Live Longer but Stay Younger? – The New Yorker, May 13, 2019 Aging, like bankruptcy in Hemingway’s description, happens two ways, slowly and then all at once; but even if aging at some speed is ultimately inevitable, what happens when we age is far from self-evident. With greater longevity, the quest to avoid the infirmities of aging is more urgent than ever; and…

Take Part in Global Wellness Day 2019

This Saturday, June 8, the eighth annual Global Wellness Day will be celebrated at 5,000 locations in over 150 countries, with a 2019 theme of “building communities of wellness.” GWI is a long-term supporter, and we hope you will take part in one of the FREE classes and experiences—from yoga to forest therapy hikes—at one of the thousands of hotels, spas, fitness studios, schools, etc. participating.…

The Wellness Moonshot™: How to Eat Healthy This June

This month, GWI’s The Wellness Moonshot Calendar: A Year of Inspiration focuses on healthy eating. With bad diets linked to 1 in 5 preventable adult deaths, we still don’t have the systems in place to make food the true “medicine”—and vitalizing force—it could be worldwide. When it comes to figuring out how, when and what to eat, the marketplace is crowded with advice and options vying for…