November | Water

Once upon a time, a great forest caught on fire. While all the other animals panicked, a little hummingbird named Dukdukdiya flew quickly upstream. She picked up a single drop of water in her beak and carried it to the flames again and again. Thinking her efforts laughable against the blaze, Bear asked what she was doing. Dukdukdiya replied, “I am doing the best I…

GWI to Release Major Research Report Next Tuesday, October 15

First global research on the entire physical activity economy, including the fitness, sports and recreation, mindful movement, equipment, apparel and technology markets The Global Wellness Institute researchers are headed to the Global Wellness Summit next week in Singapore (October 15–17) to unveil their major research report for 2019: Move to Be Well: The Global Economy of Physical Activity. This is the very first research to…

GWI’s Annual Auction Is Live: Bid on Amazing Trips, Art & Experiences

The GWI’s annual auction is live, where anyone can bid on incredible (and generously donated) trips to the most amazing wellness resorts/retreats, artwork and unique experiences. All proceeds make possible the work of the Institute—its research on the wellness industry, which is always free to the world; crucial industry initiatives;; and The Wellness Moonshot™: A World Free of Preventable Disease. Because the GWI is…

October’s Wellness Moonshot: How to Experience—and Spread—More Joy

We can be overjoyed or joyless. We can bring joy into our relationships or be a killjoy. But what does joy have to do with wellness? Everything. Moments of daily joy help us reduce stress and bounce back from adversities. Joy is linked to the wellness of our immune system, circulatory system and lifestyle overall, as well as our longevity. So, for October, the GWI’s…

Wellness Evidence Study: Napping as Medicine

People Who Nap 1-2 Times a Week 48 Percent Less Likely to Have Heart Attack A new observational study from the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland, found that people who nap once or twice a week (for between five minutes and an hour) were 48 percent less likely to have a heart attack, stroke or heart failure than non-nappers. ACCESS THIS STUDY

GWI Launches “Dying Well” Initiative

The GWI has just launched a new initiative to facilitate a new global and more positive conversation about death and dying. It will build a collection of resources such as death and dying experts, resources about multicultural practices worldwide, and innovative options to empower the wellness industry and the consumer. The co-chairs are Amy McDonald, owner and principal, Under a Tree Health & Wellness Consulting,…