Wellness Evidence Study: Ultra-Processed Foods Link to Heart Disease and Early Death

Two new European studies agree that ultra-processed foods are very bad for your health—and not just junk food, but breads, jarred sauces and frozen meals that are staples for many. A French study (tracking 100,000 adults) found that people who ate the most packaged foods were 23 percent more likely to suffer cardiovascular trouble. A Spanish study (20,000 adults) found that those with the highest…

Wellness Evidence Study: Exercise Makes People Happier than Money

According to a new study from Oxford and Yale (data from 1.2 million people), exercise is more important to mental health than having money. People who exercise regularly feel “bad” for 35 days a year, while non-exercisers feel “bad” an additional 18 days. Physically active people feel just as good as those who don’t exercise but who earn $25,000 more a year. Three to five…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of May 20, 2019)

The Big Business of Loneliness – Vox, May 6, 2019 Loneliness is pervasive and increasing, particularly in Anglo-Saxon countries—a tragedy and a trap for many people. Not surprisingly, companies and entrepreneurs now make it a business to sell an end to social isolation. From co-living apartments to co-working spaces to apps that help facilitate human connection, there is a lot of investment and infrastructure being…