Emerge As a Wellness Leader

Take the “Are You a Wellness Leader?” Quiz! “January’s theme is “emerge,” a verb that means both birth and creation. Emerging can also be non-physical, as our thoughts and ideas emerge in our minds, and feelings emerge in our hearts.”—Jessica Jesse, CEO & Creative Director, BuDhaGirl LLC The beginning of every year reminds us to pause and re-center our lives around what matters to us…

Science Invites Us to be Grateful

“We believe that gratitude not only positively impacts how we feel about ourselves and the world around us but realizes our vision of a world of understanding and care.”—Mia Kyricos, Senior Vice President and Global Head of Wellbeing, Hyatt Gratitude is a state of being, a mindset, an emotion, a virtue, a human strength, a coping response, a conscious practice and so much more. It…

November | Water

Once upon a time, a great forest caught on fire. While all the other animals panicked, a little hummingbird named Dukdukdiya flew quickly upstream. She picked up a single drop of water in her beak and carried it to the flames again and again. Thinking her efforts laughable against the blaze, Bear asked what she was doing. Dukdukdiya replied, “I am doing the best I…

October | Joy

“Joy is the lack of lack.”—Jessica Jesse, CEO, BuDhaGirl BuDhaGirl CEO Jessica Jesse reminds us that when we place our attention on the richness of life rather than what we believe we lack, joy naturally emerges. The Jewish diarist Anne Frank also understood the power of this inner shift. After a life of hiding during the Nazi occupation, she wrote, “I don’t think of all…

September | Sleep

“Since we spend approximately one-third of our lives sleeping, we need to provide people with passive interventions that help improve quality sleep, along with health, happiness, productivity and overall wellbeing.” – Paul Scialla, CEO and founder, Delos Sleep is a biological necessity, part of the regenerative life support system that enables us to function, grow and thrive. Yet, across the planet, we are increasingly sleep-deprived,…

August | Kids

“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” — Nelson Mandela, Former President of South Africa Are our children well—and are they becoming well adults and responsible citizens? This question isn’t just for parents; every organization, large and small, has a stake in the answer. Because when it comes to the welfare of today’s…