The Wellness Wearables Market Is Booming—But So Are Concerns About Data Privacy

The market for health-tech wearables continues to grow healthily. At the end of last year, Fitbit reported more than 25 million active users (an increase of 9 percent year-on-year), with an increase roughly similar for Apple Watches. As the market expands, providers of wearable fitness trackers are starting to aggressively target corporate clients on the strength of new research, showing that the more active employees…

Study: Fitness in Midlife a Weapon Against Depression & Cardiovascular Disease Later

A large new study (analyzing roughly 18,000 people) found that men and women who are more physically fit at midlife have a much lower risk of depression and death from cardiovascular disease later in life. Compared with those in the lowest fitness category, people in the highest were 16 percent less likely to have depression, 61 percent less likely to have cardiovascular illness without depression,…

GWI Women in Leadership Initiative: Does Your Company Support Equality?

The Global Wellness Institute launched a Women In Leadership Initiative to encourage and promote “Lean In Circles” for women throughout the wellness industry. Women have a strong presence in all sectors of the wellness industry, but gender inequalities still exist. And the initiative supports women professionally, emotionally and privately. Does your company support equality and diversity? Make a pledge to support women in your workforce…

The US Suicide Epidemic: Social Connections May Be the Missing Link

The recent suicides of two celebrities—the fashion designer Kate Spade and the chef, author and TV host Anthony Bourdain—have drawn attention to new federal data showing a rise in the number of suicides across the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide rates rose by 25 percent between 1999 and 2016. In 2016, 45,000 Americans aged 10 or older…

Night-Shift Work Is on the Rise Globally – and It’s a New Wellness Problem

In past Briefs, we’ve discussed the critical importance of sleep for wellbeing (and conversely of the way in which sleep deprivation negatively impacts mental and physical health). In our real-time economy, where consumer businesses strive to meet the 24-hour demand for their services and manufacturers, the number of people working night shifts is increasing and, with this, so is the number of aggregate sleepless nights.…

New Wellness Real Estate & Communities See Traction in the Media

The GWI’s 2017 research report, Build Well to Live Well, put wellness lifestyle real estate and communities on the map, showing it’s grown into a $134 billion global industry. And it’s increasingly gaining traction in the media: Just this week, both CBS News and the Wall Street Journal took a look at the new wave of diverse real estate developments all aimed at helping residents…