Night-Shift Work Is on the Rise Globally – and It’s a New Wellness Problem

In past Briefs, we’ve discussed the critical importance of sleep for wellbeing (and conversely of the way in which sleep deprivation negatively impacts mental and physical health). In our real-time economy, where consumer businesses strive to meet the 24-hour demand for their services and manufacturers, the number of people working night shifts is increasing and, with this, so is the number of aggregate sleepless nights.…

New Wellness Real Estate & Communities See Traction in the Media

The GWI’s 2017 research report, Build Well to Live Well, put wellness lifestyle real estate and communities on the map, showing it’s grown into a $134 billion global industry. And it’s increasingly gaining traction in the media: Just this week, both CBS News and the Wall Street Journal took a look at the new wave of diverse real estate developments all aimed at helping residents…

Global Wellness Institute Launches New Initiative: “The First 1,000 Days”

The GWI just announced an Initiative focusing on the lifelong impact of the health of both the mother and father before conception as well as during pregnancy and the first years of a child’s life. It will educate the public and medical and wellness industry professionals on the importance of this time period in preventing chronic diseases through perinatal and early childhood wellness interventions. Patricia…

Study: Foods that Mix Fat & Carbs Trick the Brain & Make Us Overeat

A new study from Yale University showed that foods that combine fats and carbs make the brain go haywire, triggering our brain’s rewards center in ways far beyond what people get from foods that contain either ingredient alone. The researchers noted that modern fat + carb foods, such as cheeseburgers, pizza and donuts, befuddle the brain, which evolved when people foraged for food and rarely…