Eco-Anxiety: The Rising Psychological Toll of Climate Change

MONTHLY BAROMETER The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on the current state of climate makes for grim reading. Its overarching conclusion is that every fraction of a degree of warming matters; and that if we want to limit global warming to 1.5Ëš C (2.7Ëš F) in the hope of averting catastrophe, we have as little as 12 years to act, which requires…

Study: Sleep, Exercise and Limits on Screen Time Boost Kids’ Brainpower

A new study from Canada’s Healthy Active Living & Obesity Research Group found that 9–11 hours of sleep a night, one hour of exercise, and a limit of fewer than two hours a day of recreational time in front of screens were associated with significantly higher mental test scores for children (from memory to language skills to the ability to plan). READ THE STUDY

GWI Launches Healthy Aging Initiative

The Global Wellness Institute has just launched a Healthy Aging Initiative with the mission of inspiring significant improvements in the way people around the world age—and delivering change to people’s quality of life and death by practical means. The co-chairs are Amy McDonald, owner of the consultancy Under a Tree, and Liz Terry, CEO of Leisure Media & Well Media. Read more about this important…

New White Paper on Evidence-Based Pathways to Mental Wellness

Roughly a billion people worldwide suffer from anxiety, and one in four experience mental disorders. The world desperately needs more and new evidence-based pathways to mental wellbeing. And that is the focus of an in-depth new white paper just released by the GWI’s Mental Wellness Initiative. Download this important new resource here.

Study: Just a Ten-Minute Walk Significantly Boosts the Brain

A new study from Univ. of California, Irvine and Univ. of Tsukuba-Japan found that just ten minutes of very mild exercise—such as walking—can immediately alter how parts of the brain communicate with each other and boost memory function. The researchers noted that very short and easy exercise can change people’s brains right away, and that the exertion required for this significant benefit is so minimal…

Wellness Businesses Must Be Eco-Friendly & Socially-Good Leaders to Prosper in Future

By Thierry Malleret, economist Monthly Barometer Recent history shows us that economic growth can’t be truly green, so what are the broad consequences for investors? (1) Any industry or company seen as being particularly damaging to ecology will suffer; (2) Any profitable business perceived as minimizing ecologically bad outcomes while maximizing socially good ones will prosper; (3) Militant environmentalism will radicalize in the future, wreaking…