Massage Makes Me Happy Initiative Trends for 2023

Massage Makes Me Happy Initiative 2023 Trends The Massage Makes Me Happy Initiative Trend reminds us that massage can serve as a beneficial modality for new health and wellness challenges. TREND 1: Anxiety and Depression Anxiety and depression are on the rise for both clients and practitioners.  Moreover, anxiety and depression can affect anyone and manifest differently in each person.  However, there are ways to…

Burnout image

Health Coaching as a Promising Antidote for Burnout

Health Coaching as a Promising Antidote for Burnout By Maria Carolina B. Tuma Body and mind have never been apart. In the last 30 years, the biological interactions between them have been studied by psychoneuroimmunology, an area of ​​research that investigates the multidirectional relationships between emotions or thoughts and physiological responses, integrated by mediators of the neurological, endocrine, and immune systems. Under this multidisciplinary approach –…

Collaborative Paper From GWI Digital Wellness & Breathe Initiative

Collaborative Paper From the Digital Wellness Initiative & the Breathe Initiative As the fields of technology and telehealth evolve, health practitioners and experts are finding more preventive and holistic options that could be made available to everyone; making conscious and healthy living a right, rather than a luxurious lifestyle. Our collaboration with the Global Wellness Institute (GWI) is driving this vision one step closer to…

Breathe Initiative Trends

Breathe Initiative Breathwork and breathing is a top trend found in almost every aspect of wellness, from mental health to the workplace. The Global Wellness Institute’s Breathe Initiative compiled these top trends for 2023. They spotlight how specific aspects of the trend apply to an array of wellness environments. 2023 Trends TREND 1: Nasal Breathing & Mouth Tape: Bringing Relief for Asthma and Sleep Apnea…

New Stanford Study Released on How Brief Breath Practice Can Enhance Mood

How Brief Breath Practice Can Enhance Mood New Stanford Study Released On behalf of the GWI Breathe Initiative, we’re posting up-to-the-minute studies and articles to share the power of Breath for overall well-being at the moment as well as the long-term benefits of accessible practices like this. Here’s a just-released study from Stanford’s Dr. Andrew Huberman and Dr. David Spiegel on the power of a…