July 2021 | The Wellness Moonshot and the Subversive Power of Relax

In your efforts to juggle so many demands in life and work, you may be physiologically living in an always-on beta brainwave pattern. Many of us know about the fight-flight-freeze system of reaction, but “fawn” is also a response that reinforces a state of high alarm that may have become your new normal. So, it’s possible—indeed, probable—you’ve forgotten that relaxation is one of your most…

2021 July Moonshot | Tips

The Definition of RELAX: To make less tense, rigid, or severe To relieve from tension or strain To reduce in intensity TIPS, HINTS & INSPIRATION: Read July’s article by Renee Moorefield, member of the GWI Advisory Board and CEO of Wisdom Works Group, and learn how to use RELAX as a springboard to inspire your participation in the powerful global movement: The Wellness Moonshot: A…

Two Industries at the Heart of Wellness–Hospitality and Food/Beverage–Rank Last on Carbon Reduction Targets

The recent landmark court ruling ordering Shell to accelerate its decarbonization plan and the remarkable related battle that just pitted Engine No.1 against ExxonMobil (in which the small activist fund holds a mere 0.02%) is further proof the writing is on the wall for all large greenhouse emitters. The wider lesson: Any company in any industry unprepared for the accelerating radical energy transition is bound…

What Is Mindful Movement? First Global Data on a Growing, $29 Billion Wellness Segment

Practices such as yoga and tai chi have commanded a following for thousands of years, but the mass, worldwide adoption of mindful movement is a relatively recent phenomenon. Over the last couple of decades, many of these ancient or long-standing practices have been co-opted by the world of fitness, adapted to appeal to modern gym-goers. Alongside this trend, our concept of exercise and fitness is…

Must-Reads from the Wellness World (Week of June 30, 2021)

The Secrets of ‘Cognitive Super-Agers’–New York Times, June 21, 2021 New research on centenarians brings hope that many people may become “cognitive super-agers” (those who approach the end of the human life span with brains that function as if they were 30 years younger). It would, therefore, be possible to develop strategies that ward off Alzheimer’s disease and slow brain aging for all of us.…

July 2021 | Relax

Curated by the Global Wellness Institute and Renee Moorefield, member of the GWI Advisory Boardand CEO of Wisdom Works Group. Rest and laughter are the most spiritual and subversive acts of all. Laugh, rest, slow down.—Anne Lamott As the world continues to face the ripple effects of the pandemic, we wellness leaders know many areas of people’s lives and work have taken a wellness hit.…