“Inconspicuous Consumption” Is Rising and Driving Growth for the Wellness Industry

“Inconspicuous Consumption” Is Rising and Driving Growth for the Wellness Industry By Thierry Malleret, economist  The joint forces of the pandemic and the climate crisis have accelerated a trend already brewing below the surface for some years: the rise of inconspicuous consumption. Nowadays, conspicuous consumption (i.e., buying expensive stuff for signaling) is often seen as vulgar, at least in the Western world, and is increasingly…

MUST-READS FROM THE WELLNESS WORLD (Week of September 8, 2021)

We’ll Give You a Week Off. Please Don’t Quit–New York Times, September 6,2021 With more employees seeking companies that put wellness first, more companies are trying to combat the rising burnout from working remotely by offering more time off and other big perks. Call it “Operation Chillax.” Digital Addictions Are Drowning Us in Dopamine–Wall Street Journal, August 13, 2021 Rising rates of depression and anxiety…